Anyway, I hope some of my devoted readers can hang in there over the school semester and enjoy my random posts. I will return.....
An interesting collection of everything I love. Whether it is horse related or not. A reminder that life is about living dreams and letting go.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Random Thoughts
I often wonder why I chose such a ridiculous name for my blog. I mean, it's not like very many people would remember "Multi-Faceted Equestrian" off the top of their head. It's kind of embarrassing when people ask what my blog is called. It's like I am rambling off some genetic code for a particular breed of horse! What was I thinking? And what exactly is this blog about? I can't tell you how many times I have been asked what my blog is about. The truth is that I don't really know! It was originally suppose to be about my life around horses, but I knew I had to include other areas (facets) of my life to keep readers interested. I don't know if I have succeeded. It seems that this blog has branched into other subjects and topics. Maybe I should have named it "Random Equestrian". Hmmm... I like that.....
Anyway, I hope some of my devoted readers can hang in there over the school semester and enjoy my random posts. I will return.....
Anyway, I hope some of my devoted readers can hang in there over the school semester and enjoy my random posts. I will return.....
Friday, January 16, 2015
Poetry Time!
I have always loved poetry. Whether it was Edgar Allan Poe who created "The Raven" or Alfred Lord Tennyson who captivated me with "The Lady of Shalott". Recently, I was in the mood to create some of my own poetry and sat down to write "To Capture the Emotions", a free verse poem. I am not exactly sure what inspired it, perhaps it was some recent feelings that I have been struggling to express.
Anyway, I hope this blog will eventually contain a lot of my poetry, but please be patient with my entire blog as school starts next week. I hope to manage my time better and post some more of my works, but school (and my horse) comes first!
To Capture the Emotions
Anyway, I hope this blog will eventually contain a lot of my poetry, but please be patient with my entire blog as school starts next week. I hope to manage my time better and post some more of my works, but school (and my horse) comes first!
To Capture the Emotions
almost have it,
perfectly formed emotion,
feeling you wished to portray,
give breath to,
give life to.
the page gives way,
emotions cascade into,
million reactions.
capture emotion on paper,
so dull,
to this raging storm inside,
this feeling burning inside you,
merely dance around,
only drains its color.
vibrancy dies with explanation,
Like a
candle in the wind,
Like a
phantom void of life.
exactly do you do it?
words to express a feeling,
passionate, so raw,
painful, so sorrowful,
joyful, so energetic.
capture the emotions,
Is to
cage a rare butterfly,
will keep it caged,
to comprehend its true beauty.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Blogger Award
Favorite little kid’s book (as in, kindergarten
or younger)?
“Good Night Moon”. Mom read it to me so many times that I eventually memorized it all.
“Good Night Moon”. Mom read it to me so many times that I eventually memorized it all.
2) Favorite mid-elementary book?
The list goes on! I liked just about everything. I don’t know if this counts but my mom read “The Hiding Place” out loud as part of a unit study. It ended up being one of my favorites. I also loved The Kingdom Series and the Knights of Arrethrae by Chuck Black. He is still one of my favorite authors.
I also enjoyed “The Door Within” trilogy series by Wayne Thomas Batson.
3) Night owl or morning person?
A total night owl. I tend to come alive when it gets late. The latest I stayed up was 4:00 in the morning watching the “North and South” miniseries with some friends. It remains as one of my best memories!
4) Do you like being that way (referencing the above question)?
I need to work on going to bed early because it gets hard on your body after a while. The more I stay up late the harder it is to get up and get my work done.
5) Plays or musicals?
Both! I lean more towards classic musicals. My favorite musical is Phantom of the Opera. My second favorite is Les Miserables (I sing a song from this one every day. Seriously, it’s ridiculous.) I also like My Fair Lady. As for plays, I don’t think I have a favorite yet, but I do enjoy A Doll’s House and Romeo and Juliet. Really, I would rather go to a play or musical then the movie theater.
6) Favorite secular Christmas song and favorite Christian Christmas song?
I like “Peace on Earth” by Casting Crowns. I’m not too particular.
7) If you could choose what your dying words will be, what would you pick?
I don’t think I would say anything. I would just die.
8) Which do you think is more important: justice or mercy?
Mercy. (Unless you are Batman)
9) Why to the above?
I think that both of these go hand in hand. We should uphold
justice to the best of our ability, but mercy should be the first thing we
think about. Justice often comes with time. People write whole essays on this type of question!
10) Book and/or movie that’s going to come out that you’re excited for?
The next season of BBC’s “Sherlock”.
11) If you could pick a fantasy weapon someone’s already invented (i.e., lightsabers, the Ring, Shardblades, etc.)
I have no idea. Maybe Frodo’s glowing sword?
12) Frodo or Sam?
Sam. I have always said he is my favorite LOTR character. Even over Aragon, Arwen, and Gandalf. I use him as a role model of a true friend for myself.
13) What do you like to snack on, or do you not snack at all?
I snack on just about anything that is available. Trail mix, a bagel, yogurt, or the couch..... Whatever I can get my hands on.
14) Three words that people often use to describe you?
According to my sister I am bossy, honest, and studious. Ever get the feeling your sibling thinks you are boring???
15) What did you want to be when you were little?
I wanted to be all kinds of things. A veterinarian, a figure skater, a wrangler, a professional mountain climber.
16) What question would you liked to be asked, and what is your answer? How about
“Will you marry me?” from the perfect guy? If things were right, I would obviously say “yes”.
17) If you could go to lunch to meet a person from history, who would it be?
There are a lot of people that I would love to meet. Eleanor of Aquitaine, the geographer Ibn Battuta, Victor Hugo, Teddy Roosevelt, or any of the Bronte sisters (they wrote some of my favorite classic romances including Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte). I guess I would just have to choose!
you Liddy for the nomination! I didn’t realize that I had been nominated till
Hannah D. pointed it out before the home school ball. I definitely did not
deserve to be nominated because I tend to be pretty lax with blogging during
school semesters and I miss a lot! Anyway thanks for the nomination, it was fun
answering the questions and hopefully next time I will be paying attention.
Love ya all!
My Nominations are-
Emma D.
Ruth Anna
Abby D.
Sorry if you were already nominated....
Three questions to add to the above-
18) If you could have any expensive car in the world, what
would it be?
19) Who is your favorite actor and/or actress?
20) Do you have a favorite horse breed?

Sunday, January 4, 2015
To Touch the Shattered Part
woman enters a room. She is clothed in a brilliant white dress with golden
seams. The room that surrounds her is filled with mirrors. The mirrors
represent the reflections of a person’s life. The air is damp and the wind blows.
It has taken the woman a long time to gain access to this room. In the center
of this room is the largest mirror. This one represents the person’s heart. It
is broken. The woman kneels to pick up a shattered piece, cutting her finger as
she does so. She does not recoil or cry out. For she knows the greater pain
remains in the shattered part. The broken pieces of a person’s life…….
breaks my heart to think that I can look into a person’s eyes and talk to them
every day and never see their “shattered part”. Too often we think we know a
person and what they have been through. Or we dance around on different, less
painful subjects that steer clear of the real aspects of life. Further, what if
we make it into the painful areas of a person’s life? Can we be trusted with
what we find there? The “shattered area” is the most heavily guarded for that
reason-Misinterpretation by other people. People go about with the reflection
of a smile, a happy attitude, a pleasant demeanor only to hide the real level
of their emotions.
would feel honored to uncover the shattered part of a person, to be their loyal
friend, worthy of their trust and the guardian of their pain. I understand that
there is always the risk of getting hurt while coming close to the pain of others.
Then, the real challenge would be for me to go deeper then the surface level
conversation of my own life to express what I have been through. Everyone has a
broken mirror, but the decision to allow someone to look at that mirror is a
Copyright is Mine. Please ask or cite my blog before using any text!!!
Image from Bing Images.
The Barn
I just thought I would post this little blurb real quick. I
am still suffering from a cough and runny nose, but at least I have recovered
from downcast emotions!
Truly, I am sick of being sick. Today, I made up my mind
that no matter how awful I felt I would go to the barn and see my horse. Oh,
how I have missed her and it pulls on my heart strings to think that I have
spent a limited amount of time with her over the fall semester and even over
the summer of 2014. As I ran my fingers through her furry coat I almost felt
like crying. So this is what students that own horses feel like; like we are
being ripped towards two different places. One place holds the challenge of
higher education and the other place is a peace filled barn.
Anyway, I tend to think my darkest thoughts when I am not
feeling well. I even get cranky and anxious. I guess it’s the fact that all I
do is watch movies or lay in bed. It’s the perfect recipe for depression and
irritability. However, the trip to the barn in the howling wind was a
pick-me-up. Further, despite the weather, I found my surroundings to be filled
with pleasant things. Like when the sun hits a bunch of blowing snow. It’s
almost like someone threw a bunch of diamonds in the air to reflect the sun’s
beauty. As I walked into the barn with my horse to escape the cold these gems
blew through a window above our heads. At the same time a magpie took flight
through the flurry, its silky wings glowing. At last, I have found some peace, right here at the
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