So here it is. My dream come true and I tremble with the thought of it. At one time, I visited guest ranch websites every day and my thoughts were filled with images of taking out rides and absorbing the mountain air. I was young and attracted to the "romance" of working as a wrangler. This included the horses, the amazing rides, and yes.....Even the cowboys. However, life takes unexpected turns and with those turns my dream got a little dimmer. I was stressed and agitated and my romantic ideas got pushed to the back of my head.
Now, here it is and I have come to the verge of understanding the responsibility that is about to weigh on my shoulders. I cannot fully comprehend what will happen this summer and what I will take on, but let it come. Let my dream arrive with all the good and all the bad. Open the gates and send me the best and the worst guests. Let me show them the compassion and love of a wrangler that is willing to serve. The wrangler that dreamed about ranch life as a kid. It is time to put the turmoil of last summer and fall behind me. I want my mind completely focused on the blessing of this job and sweetness of summer and the new beginning that welcomes me. I am going to give my everything.... I want the dirt to fly and I want to drop any fear that holds me. I wanna ride. Bring it.
I hope that at the end of the summer I will have something beautiful to report. If I do not have time to blog, then picture me exhausted, but burning with the passion for the dream job that has arrived at my doorstep. I will be embracing all the romance and all the tough stuff that each wrangler understands. I hope that each guest will notice something extra special about me and my attitude.
Put on the hat. Lets ride.